Over the past year I have been working as an associate artist with Mull Theatre on an audio play about community renewable energy and tourism. The play is called How To Swim and I am now able to share some of the work in progress. I have created a 20 minute soundscape which you can download below. It contains two monologues, one each from the two main characters and a guided soundscape. It is designed to be listened to in the outdoors, by a loch and for the work in progress sharing, we are suggesting that people might like to listen to it whilst walking round Aros Park which is near An Tobar in Tobermory. All of the sounds you will hear have been recorded by myself on Mull or in Morvern where I live and which is just across the Sound of Mull. I hope you enjoy the soundscape and if you are in Tobermory from the 4th-9th of May, please do nip into An Tobar and come and see more of my work and have a chat.
How To Swim
Isla Robertson